Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grantham University - Educational Toys for Children

If you are a parent or grandparent, you have surely been ripped off by toy manufactures that sell toys of little or no educational value. 

Usually, intelligent children quickly bore of toys that are not challenging and do not offer learning experiences. To meet the challenge of young developing minds, we need to keep children interested in productive learning play. Try this complimentary "Discover Educational Toys for Children".

It's Grantham's way of thanking our community for making us a top Online University.

Simply click to download. IT'S 100% FREE!

1 comment:

  1. Got to teach them while they are young. True! I'm a student at Grantham but the majority of my learning came from GI Joe and some He-man. lol I have kids and the book makes since. Look forward to reading the rest. See ya!
